Verwenden Sie „look down on“ in einem Satz
look down on Beispielsätze
look down on
1. From a high elevation, you have the opportunity to look down on your city
2. When she felt that her end was drawing near, she called her only daughter to her bedside and said, "Dear child, remain good, and then our dear God will always protect you, and I will look down on you from heaven and be near you
3. He could not look down on others and claim the moral high ground
4. It was intended to be high enough that he could still look down on us as we stood before him
5. Ralph Thompson stood silent in his yard, eyes tightening on the big house that always seemed to look down on him
6. The purple pool is rolling when you look down on it, agony on faces blistered and peeling crawling out of the stew, potato people swelling unfortunate enough to be slow wading out
7. You look down on the sight, he doesn’t budge
8. She led us high onto a knifelike ridge where we could look down on the rest of this world, a ridge that hadn’t been here before I’d raised the Dragons
9. From the walls of the citadel one could look down on the broad white streets of the city, on minaretted mosques, shops, temples, mansions, and markets
10. They reached the crest of the hill and could look down on the fort
11. Each does not look down on the individual under his care, which I can’t say about of few of the others
12. Even today, some people look down on others because the color of their skin
13. Before you could think that we look down on our old people because they aren’t productive anymore, let me assure you that they are well treated and respected for their experience
14. look down on her body and see herself as her ancestors had seen
15. Paul's Cathedral, and look down on London without some emotion, and not reflect that he sees the heart whose pulsations are felt over the whole civilized globe
16. Alan Paton wrote in Cry, the Beloved Country; ‘If there is no mist, you look down on
17. At the bottom, below the fence--rotten in places, but I'm going to mend that--begins a real apple orchard, and through its leaves we can look down on the roof of another house, white like ours, but a little bigger, and with blue shutters instead of green
18. That one seems to look down on anyone who is not as noble or powerful as he is
19. You shouldn't look down on others, or avoid them, just because their personal tastes and choices are different from your own
20. It was made so they could congregate and look down on unsuspecting living congregations
21. The great souls of the past look down on us from those stars
22. need to look down on her father But I begged her to be a better
23. It is quite unfortunate that some look down on women especially when it comes to business and work
24. A leader should never look down on others or view followers as a tool to be used to get results
25. The scout was hard by, leaning in a pensive posture on his own fatal and avenging weapon; while Tamenund, supported by the elders of his nation, occupied a high place at hand, whence he might look down on the mute and sorrowful assemblage of his people
26. What is there in her? What is it gives her the power to look down on everything, to be calm independently of everything? How I should like to know it and to learn it of her!’ thought Kitty, gazing into her serene face
27. that way; it was such a necessity for him in his humiliation to have some elevated standpoint, however imaginary, from which, looked down upon by all, he could look down on others, that he clung, as to his one salvation, to his delusion of salvation
28. It has been a long while since Ser Lucas met anyone he could not look down on
29. Septon Sefton waddled out and said a prayer, beseeching the Father Above to look down on these two men and judge them justly, asking the Warrior to lend his strength to the man whose cause was just and true, begging the Mother’s mercy for the liar, that he might be forgiven for his sins
30. Hiding in the dark forest, she could look down on the community she once called home, as flames swallowed house after house, and the air echoed with screams of the people she loved
31. They would look down on you if they knew what you were hiding from here
32. They were on a green open space from which you could look down on the forest spreading as far as one could see in every direction—except right ahead
33. When the lights were on and the curtains drawn, and the Gregorian music played on the great phonograph, Mack used to look down on the laboratory from the Palace Flophouse
34. So might one look down on an ant hill and see no method or direction or purpose in the darting hurrying inhabitants
35. As it flows it takes the forms of sappy leaves or vines, making heaps of pulpy sprays a foot or more in depth, and resembling, as you look down on them, the laciniated, lobed, and imbricated thalluses of some lichens; or you are reminded of coral, of leopard's paws or birds' feet, of brains or lungs or bowels, and excrements of all kinds
36. He was exceedingly impressionable, to a degree of simplicity, indeed, which had often made me look down on him
37. What is there in her? What is it gives her the power to look down on everything, to be calm independently of everything? How I should like to know it and to learn it of her!" thought Kitty, gazing into her serene face
38. Nasby’s patent question, “If the nigger is set free, whom will the Democrats find to look down on?” has been answered to the glory and delectation of both the old parties, and, pre-eminently, of the new party, which has nothing American about it save whisky and brag